Asian Hornet Information

Vespa velutina, also known as the Asian hornet is an invasive non-native species from Asia. It arrived in France in 2004 where it spread rapidly.

As a highly effective predator of insects, including honey bees and other beneficial species, it can cause significant losses to bee colonies, and potentially other native species.

This post contains vital information for the fight against this predator which can destroy a colony in hours with a sustained attack.


Beecraft Asian Hornet Identity Poster

Get the app – information from Mark Alleyne (W&DBKA Apiary Manager)

A Beekeepers Guide to Asian Hornets

Document by Gillian Turner (W&DBKA Chair)

Extract from the first couple of paragraphs:

Just one queen Asian hornet queen arrived in France in 2004, an accidental import from
China, she made herself at home and her descendants are having a devastating effect on the
ecology, invading most of Western Europe. As beekeepers we are concerned about the effect
on our bees, but the problems that they create are much greater. Our native insects will be
consumed in huge quantities (in France research has shown that an average Asian hornet
nest can consume over 11kg of insects in one year), which has a knock on effect on all
pollination, everything that relies on insects for food and there are consequences that we
haven’t even considered yet.
They are getting into the UK by flying across the channel and hitch hiking on ferries, vehicles
and goods, you might remember the news story of the Asian hornet in a cauliflower. The
National Bee Unit (NBU) has been following up all Asian hornet reports and destroying their
nests, but the number of Asian Hornets reaching the UK is increasing and there is a real risk
that a nest will be missed, enabling the hornets to gain a foothold…read more.

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