A Special Offer for W&DBKA New Members.
Have you been captivated by the world of bees, buzzing with curiosity about starting your own apiary? Are you a new member, within your first two years at the club and still gathering knowledge about this fascinating hobby? Well, W&DBKA offers the perfect opportunity for you to confidently take flight!
Our “Nurturing New Beekeepers” initiative is designed to guide you on your beekeeping journey with a head start and expert advice to hand.
Here’s the honeyed deal:
- Purchase a nucleus (Nuc) of healthy honeybees directly from the Association at a competitive price. Initial deposit required: balance paid when the colony is ready to move into your apiary.
- You will be responsible for your colony and need to make regular inspections.
- Enjoy the convenience of on-site beekeeping. Your Nuc will be housed at the Association’s apiary, with on-hand advice available from experienced beekeepers present at Association apiary inspections, until the colony reaches at least five fully drawn frames. This gives you valuable time to build your beekeeping knowledge and equipment without the initial pressure of hive management.
- Learn and obtain guidance from experienced beekeepers throughout the seasons. They can provide guidance during the Association’s Apiary inspections, hopefully empowering you to become a confident beekeeper.
- Reduced upfront costs: Purchasing a Nuc through the Association saves you money compared to market prices. Plus, with on-site beekeeping, you can delay investing in your own equipment, giving you time to budget and learn.
- Stress-free beekeeping: Advice can be provided as your colony builds and you gain hands-on experience.
- Confidence-boosting support: Learn from the best and gain practical experience under the watchful eyes of our lead beekeeping & assistants. Ask questions and feel supported every step of the way.
Ready to join the hive? Limited numbers will be available, so take advantage of this opportunity to get into beekeeping with a sweet deal and expert advice.
- This is aimed at new members within their first year or two and with no bees that wish to get into beekeeping.
- There will be limited availability as well as aimed at members wishing to use National Deep or 14×12 brood boxes.
- The initial 5 or 6 frames and foundation will be provided by the club.
- £30.00 deposit [non-refundable] with a final additional payment of £50.00.
- You will need to make regular inspections at the Apiary on the days that the club’s colonies are inspected.
Contact Mark Alleyne, Apiary Manager, via the Contact Us form and in the drop down select “General Enquiry” to reserve your Nuc and join our “Nurturing New Beekeepers” initiative.
P.S. Spread the word! If you know someone interested in beekeeping, share this exciting opportunity with them!
The W&DBKA is here to support its members. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions that you may have about beekeeping, pest control, honey production, or anything else related to your hives. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge within the club, and we are always happy to help our members.