Apiary Clean Up – January 2022

Apiary Clean Up 2022

Many thanks to everyone that turned up for our annual apiary clean-up day on Saturday, 8th January.  With the weather described as “fit for ducks” by our Apiary Manager, Tony, it was good to see so many people and, as the saying goes, ‘many hands make light work’.  Workmates were set up next to the farm building to offer some protection from the weather where hive components were scraped to remove any wax and propolis.  Our Vice Chair, Kevin, sought shelter at the side of the building to use his blow torch to scorch the equipment to ensure any unwanted bugs and bacteria were dispatched. 

 There was also work ongoing in the Portakabin although the wet and muddy conditions made keeping the floor clean a very difficult job.  In addition Tony and others worked in the container (all socially distanced), organising the cleaned equipment so that it looked pretty pristine by the end of the morning.  Mary and Lynne also turned up to help and bought some wonderful refreshments with them in the form of numerous cakes which were excellent and very much appreciated.

Thanks to everyone that helped (see below) we are now spick and span and ready for the new beekeeping season to begin!  We hope to see you all at the apiary once we start our inspections again.

Thanks to: Dave Wright, Lisa & Graeme Binnie, Tim Nabbs, Dave Osborne, Stewart Smith, Andrea Parr, Richard Roll, and committee members Mary, Lynne, Kevin, Tony John and apologies to anyone I may have forgotten!  (Andy Ormiston – Secretary)