The full report can be found HERE. John and Evan led this public session. The seven visitors (Alan, Ellen, Jarja, Hannah, Adrian, Susan and Nicola) were told...
Posts in: Month: May 2022
Apiary Inspection 22 May 2022
The full report can be found HERE. Gillian stepped in as lead beekeeper today for the first time. The five attendees split into to two groups to inspect...
Apiary inspection 16th May
This inspection was completed by Tony L because the weekend one was cancelled owing to rain. Bailey Comb change continues on Hive 7. Report HERE Master...
Frame Making Made Easier and Quicker
The following is a method of frame building using a spring loaded staple gun. This frame building method is used by two of our members Peter & Lori Munday...
Disease inspection 8th May
Tony facilitated a Disease inspection on some parts of some hives so that club members could learn and practice one of their inspections that should be done...
Apiary inspection 7th May
This session led by John. A regular inspection on all but two of the hives. Bailey Comb change continues on Hive 7. Report HERE Master schedule
Apiary inspection 1st May
Another one with Tony Lack leading. This session included a Shook Swarm, a Bailey Comb Exchange (for a weak Colony) and other inspections. The vising club...