Wokingham & District Beekeeping association introduction pack

Welcome to Wokingham & District Beekeeping Association [WDBKA]

Congratulations!  You have joined an association with a proud tradition of supporting local beekeepers and those interested in beekeeping since it was established in 1946. It was formed after an upsurge in beekeeping following the Second World War (1939-1945). However, Wokingham beekeepers have had a support network for a lot longer than that.  

Our History

The Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Beekeepers’ Society was formed in 1879.  Wokingham beekeepers had representatives on the Berkshire Society, which became independent of Buckinghamshire two years later. This society disbanded in 1952 when the local groups formed the Berkshire Federation of Beekeepers, which was able to send a delegate to British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) meetings.  

In February 2018, thirty-nine years after it celebrated its centenary (with the BBKA’s permission), the

Berkshire Federation was disbanded. Your Association was then able to send its own delegate to the BBKA’s Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM). Our work supporting beekeepers and educating about beekeeping and honeybees was formally recognised in August 2022, when we registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (UK charity number 1200002). 

You have joined an Association that is fun, active, practical and very friendly. It is a thriving community with a wealth of experience and knowledge about the fascinating world of beekeeping. By joining us, you have also joined the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA), which comes with a range of benefits, including a monthly BBKA Newsletter, insurance and access to a wealth of information.  Your Association also provides a range of ‘benefits’ you can take advantage of; read on to learn more.

Spring and Summer Social Gatherings

We believe in building a strong, connected community. That’s why we host bi-monthly social gatherings at the Two Poplars pub in Wokingham.  Members can relax and network with other beekeepers, chatting about different experiences and methods. It’s a fantastic way to meet others, learn what’s happening in different apiaries, and gain insight into various beekeeping techniques.  (https://www.greeneking.co.uk/pubs/berkshire/twopoplars)

Winter Meetings: a Further Networking and Learning Opportunity

We hold more formal evening meetings at the Wokingham Bowling Club in winter. These are held once a month.  The programme starts in October with our Annual General Meeting (AGM); in November, we have our honey show, and the association’s Christmas fun social event will be held in December.  We have guest speakers in January, February, and March who give talks and presentations.  Each meeting is preceded by a “skep talk”, where one of our members gives a short talk on a beekeeping-related topic. The programme ends with a raffle to help cover venue hire costs, so we encourage members to please bring an item for the prize table. Our meetings provide a fun, interactive way to connect and share. (https://www.wokinghambowlingclub.co.uk/).

Practical Beekeeping Experience

You can join us at our Teaching Apiary, where you can assist (or watch) experienced beekeepers conduct weekly inspections during the beekeeping season.  This is the ideal opportunity to get practical hands-on experience before you take the step of getting your own bees. You will learn ways to deal with the different situations that the bees present for the beekeeper to manage.

New Members Beekeeping Course

Before ‘getting your hands dirty,’ it is a good idea to learn what you need to know about bee biology, hive management and handling your bees safely.  Our New Members Beekeeping Course, which starts every January, will give you a great start. This members-only free course is on Zoom, so no travelling is involved. It is an excellent opportunity to gain confidence and knowledge before eventually setting up your own hives.  Couple this with sessions at the Teaching Apiary, and you should have a good start.

Buzz Into Beekeeping: Our New Members Beekeeping Initiative

As a new member, would you like to start your beekeeping journey with the support of experienced association beekeepers?  If you join the Buzz into Beekeeping initiative, you can purchase a competitively priced nucleus of bees, initially keeping them at the Teaching Apiary.  By carrying out your inspections at the same time as the apiary’s inspections, you will have advice on hand should you need it.  As the colony builds up, so will your knowledge and confidence until you and the bees are ready to move to your apiary.  For more information: https://wdbka.org.uk/buzzintobeekeeping

Equipment Hire

To make beekeeping more accessible, we also offer members a range of honey extraction equipment for hire. This means you don’t need to invest in expensive equipment right away, and by attending the Association’s annual Extraction Day (at the Training Apiary), you can decide what works best for you and how to tackle your first exciting extraction. Details at: https://wdbka.org.uk/equipmenthire

Bulk Order Purchasing

As an Association member, you can take advantage of our bulk-purchase program, which offers significant savings while keeping your bees thriving and healthy.  We investigate the best bulk purchase prices on your behalf and then canvas members for their requirements.  Once members’ orders and payments have been received, we will place the bulk order, and you can collect your order from the apiary after it has been delivered. At the time of writing, the scheme includes jars and lids, varroa treatment, syrup feed, fondant and wax foundation.

Public Networking at Wokingham’s May Fayre and Christmas Carnival

We are proud participants in the Wokingham’s annual May Fayre and the Christmas Carnival. At these events, we showcase the Association, bees and beekeeping and boost Association funds by selling Association apiary honey. We currently have a couple of adjoining stands, allowing us to educate and inform the broader public about bees, beekeeping and its impact on and from the wider world.  Please come along and see what we do ideally, lend a hand for an hour or more.  You will be helping your Association by sharing your enthusiasm for beekeeping with the community. 

Managing the Association

All of the above is organised (and primarily provided) by a group of volunteers on the Association’s committee.  Members elected at the AGM fill the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Learning and Development Officer.  There is also the non-elected post of Apiary Manager and a number of other volunteer committee members who help manage the Association on your behalf.  The Committee would be pleased to welcome you at a Zoom committee meeting and be very grateful if you offered them help even in a small way.  To see who manages things on your behalf, go to: https://wdbka.org.uk/wdbkamanagement

Being a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and Our Charitable Works

The services that the volunteers provide enabled us to be recognised and registered as a charity in 2022.  Some committee members are also the charity’s trustees.  As well as the services outlined above, some members do outreach work by providing beekeeping related talks, presentations and activity sessions for a range of external organisations ranging from schools to old people’s homes; horticultural groups to scout and girl guide groups.  Some Association volunteers also provide a free swarm collection service to members of the public.

Get Involved

Joining in on these events and initiatives is the best way to make the most of your membership. You’ll learn from experienced beekeepers, make new friends, and become an active part of the WDBKA community. Whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just starting, there’s always something new to discover!

We look forward to meeting and seeing you buzzing around.  We are delighted to welcome you to the WDBKA and hope you enjoy your time with us.



Calendar – Next 7 Events