The following is a method of frame building using a spring loaded staple gun. This frame building method is used by two of our members Peter & Lori Munday which they think other members may be interested in.
Their recommended staple gun is the Stanley Staple Gun Model TR250 (link to Amazon – cost around £20) and associated heavy duty 12mm staples (link to Amazon – cost around £3 for 1000). Amazon links have only been provided for further information – you may want to shop around for the best price.
From the image below you will see that the three pins going into the top bar, which are always tricky to knock in, are replaced with staples and the two bottom bars, usually secured with four pins are replaced with two staples. The two pins that secure the side bars are still required.
When stapling the two bottom bars the stapler must be positioned carefully by touch. Use the thumb and forefinger to position the stapler centrally – you will also need a couple of millimetres where the front of the stapler overlaps the frame side bar.
With the three staples into the top bar it is important that the top bar and stapler are on a solid surface to ensure the staples are punched in. Position the front of the stapler against the foundation wax and then punch down the retaining bar into the top bar.
When the frames come to the end of their life and you want to take them apart – this should also be easier. With a flat bladed screwdriver you should be able to easily lever out each staple.
If you find this method useful please pass it on.