W&DBKA Junior Member Enrolment
This type of membership is for those who keep bees and wish to take a full part in all aspects of the Association.
- Junior membership applies only to beekeepers who will remain under 18 through to 31st August.
- Membership of the Association, membership of the BBKA and Brood Disease Insurance (BDI) all run from 1st September till 31st August.
- In line with BBKA rules, there is no membership reduction for those joining part way through the year.
- BDI cover will not commence until 40 days have elapsed from the payment of the premium, when such payment is made after 31st March. This is known as the 40-day rule.
BEFORE you start the enrolment process:
- please read the W&BDKA Conditions of Membership shown in the Conditions of Membership pdf.
- please read the W&BDKA Privacy Policy shown in the Privacy Policy pdf.
- once you have sent your details we will send a return email with details on how you can complete payment.
- payment can be by cheque or electronic bank transfer – please indicate your preference on the form below.