Introduction to Beekeeping Course 2025

WDBKA Training - Introduction to Beekeeping
  • Commences on Thursday 9th January
  • Duration 8 weeks
  • Start time 20:00
  • Cost – no charge

Please show your interest by completing the simple form below.

The Association is pleased to announce that the popular ‘Introduction to Beekeeping’ course will be available to members again early in the new year.  Kevin Cowley (Vice Chair) will present the course.

The Introduction to Beekeeping course will provide what you need to know to get started. Experience and colonies are not relevant.. its aimed at people who do not have bees, have no experience, and are either taking up the hobby or are looking to do so.

The course will be presented over Zoom. It will be limited to 10 people, all of whom must be W&DBKA members.  The course is proposed to be run over 8 weekly sessions, each session being  60 to 90 minutes long, although there will be the option of continuing a session for further discussion if required.

Calendar – Next 7 Events

  • Date: 11/12/2024
    W&DBKA Christmas Social - Please bring plate(s) of food and a wrapped raffle present
    Starts: 19:00
  • Date: 08/01/2025
    W&DBKA Social Meeting - Treatment free Varroa resistant Bees
    Starts: 19:00